所在栏目:FACULTY作者: 发布者:304永利集团官网入口发布时间:2024-07-17浏览次数:17

Ms. LIN Zao

Pd.D. in Philosophy,

Professor at College of Philosophy, Guizhou University


Contact information


Address: Huaxi District, College of Philosophy at Guizhou University, Guiyang, PR of China, 550025


Research Interests

Philosophical aesthetics, Aesthetic Education


Educational Background

1997.9 - 2001.6 Guizhou Normal University, China B.A. in Literature

2001.9 - 2004.6 Guizhou Normal University, China M.A. in Education (aestheticpsychology)

2004.9 - 2007.6 Renming University, China Ph.D. in Philosophy (aesthetics)


Working Experiences

2007.7 - 2009.3 Guizhou Normal University, China Associate Professor, College of Literature

2009.3 - now Guizhou University, China Associate Professor, College of Philosophy

2009.12 - 2011.12 Fudan University Postdoctoral scholar (literary and art theories)

2015.2 – 2016.2 University of Leicester, A Visiting Researcher, School of Museum Studies


Academic Society

Vice-chairman, Guizhou Aesthetics Society

Member, China Society for Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory

Member, Chinese Society for Aesthetics

Member, International Association for Aesthetics


Classes Teaching

Aesthetics, Introduction to Philosophy, History of Chinese Aesthetics, History of Western Aethetics, Case Studies on Art, Chinese Traditional Qin Tao

Graduate student tutor in Aesthetics



Simone Weil: Releasing for All Silence, Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press,2021


Selected essays

The Metaphysical Way of Plato on Beauty, Comparative Aesthetics, Sichuan University Press, 2023

Cultural Differences and Affinities from the Perspective of Aesthetic Education: The Case of Chinese Garden Exhibitions Abroad, Chinese Jounal of Art Strudies, 2020.6

Historical Origin, Naming Orientation and Cultural Spirit of National Art Museum of China,Journal of Guizhou University(Art), 2016.2

National Art Museum of China: Architectural Space and Cultural Experience,University&Art Museum, Tongji University Press, 2013.11

Thinking of Possibilities of City Life, Free Views on Art, 2010.9

Cultural and Aesthetic Studies of the Art Museum, National Art Museum of China, 2007.6