
所在栏目:讲师作者: 发布者:聂陈睿发布时间:2018-12-28浏览次数:3850


姓  名: 梁真

毕业院校: 新西兰奥克兰大学哲学博士

政治面: 九三学社社员

E-mail : soul21@163.com


2008.92011.7     西南大学      逻辑学     硕士

2012.112019.9   新西兰奥克兰大学    逻辑学     博士


  1. 中国逻辑学会批判性思维专委会委员

  2. 贵州省逻辑学会理事




  1. 304永利集团官网入口逻辑学硕士研究生课程《模态逻辑》

  2. 304永利集团官网入口体育学院硕士研究生课程《逻辑学与批判性思维》

  3. 304永利集团官网入口本科生课程《逻辑学》、《数理逻辑》

  4. 304永利集团官网入口校级通选课《逻辑学》、《批判性思维》


  1. 主持国家社科基金西部项目《社群认知逻辑及应用》(21XZX005

  2. 主研国家社科基金重大项目面向自然语言理解的逻辑构建和符号接地问题的哲学、心理学研究(18ZDA032)


  1. 梁真.(2023). 《命题逻辑基础教程》.贵州:304永利集团官网入口出版社.


  1. Zhen Liang. “Towards Axiomatisation of Social Epistemic Logic”, PhD Thesis, 2020.

  2. Zhen Liang. An axiomatisation for minimal social epistemic logic. In Alexan- dru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman, and Tomoyuki Yamada, editors, Proceedings of LORI 6, pages 664669. Springer, 2017.

  3. Zhen Liang and Jeremy Seligman. A logical model of the dynamics of peer pressure. In Hans van Ditmarsch, David Ferna ́ndez Duque, Valentin Goranko, Wojtek Jamroga, and  Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, editors, Proceedings of LAMAS 4, volume 278, pages 275288. ENTCS, 2011.

  4. Zhen Liang and Jeremy SELIGMAN, A logical model of the dynamics of peer  pressure, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 278, 3 November 2011, Pages 275-288, ISSN 1571-0661, 10.1016/j.entcs.2011.10.021

  5. Zhen Liang and Jeremy SELIGMAN, 'The dynamics of peer pressure' In: van Ditmarsch, H.; Lang, J.; Ju, S. (eds.) Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, Proceedings of the  Third International Workshop (LORI 3), Springer LNCS 6953, pp. 390-391, 2011

  6. 梁真, 何向东. 社会群体中的偏好逻辑[J]. 逻辑学研究, 2011, 04(2):68-80.


  1. “A Two-Tiered Preference Upgrade of Community”, presented at XXV World Congress of Philosophy in Sapienza University, Italy, 2024.8

  2. “An Axiomatisation for Minimal Social Epistemic Logic”, presented at LORI VI in Hokkaido University, Japan, 2017.10

  3. “The Dynamics of Peer Pressure”, presented at LORI III in Guangzhou, China, 2011.10

  4. “The Dynamic Preference Logic in the Community”, presented at SELLC, Guangzhou, 2010